
Latest News from Eastland Wood Council

New rules target erosion risk: GDC plans signal major shift in land management

05 July 2024 | Gisborne land adaptation shifts have received positive feedback from both the Eastland Wood Council and an environmental group. …….

Growing the potential of New Zealand’s forestry sector in partnership

14 June 2024 | Forestry Minister Todd McClay, today announced the start of the Government’s plan to restore certainty and confidence in the forestry and wood processing sector…..

GDC to investigate forestry levy, higher rates to cover prosecution costs

13 June 2024 | Forestry companies could face a rate hike to cover legal costs as well as a “pay as you go” levy to cover road damage, under a Gisborne District Council proposal. …….

Timber & Forestry eNews May 24

09 May 2024 | Timber & Forestry eNews invitied Philip Hope, chief executive of Eastland Wood Council (EWC), to provide an update on the clean up of slash…..

Hui kicks off pilot for more sustainable Ūawa Catchment

28 Feb 2024 | Council is holding a hui for residents of the Ūawa catchment on 14 March to work towards a more sustainable future for the catchment…….

Ernslaw One’s forestry certification suspended over Tolaga Bay storm damage

16 Feb 2024 | Forestry company Ernslaw One has had its Forest Stewardship Council Certification suspended over damage in Tolaga Bay from its forests over Queen’s Birthday weekend in 2018…….

EWC reaffirms support for cyclone recovery

16 Feb 2024 | Eastland Wood Council has vowed to continue to support the region’s cyclone recovery efforts and “seek out new and innovative ways” to build sustainability and mitigate risks in forestry……

East Coast’s forestry nightmare: One year after Cyclone Gabrielle, threat from fragile hills just grows

16 Feb 2024 | One year ago, all hell broke loose in Tairāwhiti when Cyclone Gabrielle propelled 1.4 million tonnes of wood debris down the East Coast’s steep, fragile hillsides into rivers and on to bridges, homes, farms, roads and beaches below…..

Reflecting on a challenging year near anniversary of Cyclone Gabrielle

15 Feb 2024 | The Eastland Wood Council – Te Kaunihera Pororakauo Te Tairāwhiti (EWC) is reflecting on the impacts of the severe weather events of 2023, as the anniversary of Cyclone Gabrielle is marked…..

Inquiry under way into death of Gisborne forestry worker

13 Feb 2024 | Police and WorkSafe NZ have inquiries going to the death of a Gisborne man in a forestry accident in the Raupunga area south of Wairoa last Thursday…..

Forestry industry signs accord to establish pan sector body

18 Jan 2024 | Ten organisations have signed an accord establishing as a pan sector body…..

Forestry Whānau Day’s

16 Jan 2024 | We are pleased to share another video in the series produced in conjunction with Te Kawa a Tāne, WorkSafe, Safetree and the forestry industry…..

Kaimahi skills

16 Jan 2024 | Our kaimahi are the backbone of the forestry industry and our most valuable asset…..

Te Kawa a Tāne

12 Jan 2024 | We are pleased to share the first in a series of videos produced in conjunction with Te Kawa a Tāne, WorkSafe, Safetree and the forestry industry….

Planting trees on pasture can have a positive impact on soil health

20 Dec 2023 | Rather than damaging soil in New Zealand, planting trees on pasture restores soil to be similar to its original condition…..

Forest plantation soils have benefits too

20 Dec 2023 | The Forest Owners Association (FOA) says the fact that soils under plantation forests are similar to soils under native trees….

Whanau Forestry Day with Rata Forest Management and Ra Whakapono Logging inland from Te Karaka

07 Dec 2023 | As CEO of the Eastland Wood Council I am pleased to share a brief report about a Forestry Whanau Day held recently in Te Karaka – one of many being held across the district…..

Outrage to Optimism – How will we respond?

4 Dec 2023 | For many decades, plantation forestry has been one of the cornerstone industries in Tairāwhiti – our region has developed in parallel with the forestry sector….

A sustainable vision for forestry in Tairāwhiti

01 Dec 2023 | Eastland Wood Council chair Warren Rance has told Gisborne District Council the two organisations can work together effectively and in a mature way to deliver sustainable forestry….

Foresters back the call of the blue duck

22 Nov 2023 | The Forest Owners Association (FOA) is promoting New Zealand’s endemic Whio – the blue duck – for Bird of the Century….

Juken confirms Gisborne mill closure, 80 jobs to go

3 Nov 2023 | The EWC largely supports the updated National Environmental Standards (NES). Continuously improving the standards of our industry…

Updated forestry regulations increase council controls and require large slash removal

3 Nov 2023 | The EWC largely supports the updated National Environmental Standards (NES). Continuously improving the standards of our industry…

The Mackey (George) Papuni Scholarship

31 Oct 2023 | The Mackey (George) Papuni Scholarship supports the development of aspiring forestry professionals from Te Tairāwhiti…

Support services coming for forestry businesses in Tairawhiti & Hawke’s Bay valued at $577,000

11 Oct 2023 | A joint package of support services being delivered between October – December 2023 by the Forest Industry Contractors Association (FICA), Safetree and Eastland Wood Council…

Forestry seeking judicial review to halt ETS fees

09 Oct 2023 | The Ministry for Primary Industries’ new fees regime, which will increase costs for foresters participating in New Zealand’s Emissions Trading Scheme by several thousand percent…

Forestry field trip for ministerial appointments & advisors

22 Sept 2023 | EWC provided a forestry field trip in conjunction with Aratu Forests and Forest Enterprises for the Ministerial appointments and ministerial advisors…

Funding for cyclone recovery and resilience welcomed by EWC

21 Sept 2023 | EWC welcomes additional support for cyclone-affected regions, announced by the Prime Minister today…

Forestry alliance launches in Te Tairāwhiti

30 Aug 2023 | Iwi has joined with the forestry industry and government agencies to launch a new collective to improve forestry culture, hauora, health and safety…

New Forest Owners chief executive looking to forestry as sustainable keystone of bioeconomy

29 Aug 2023 | The new Chief Executive of the Forest Owners Association, Dr Elizabeth Heeg, is promising to expand the vision of the forest industry….

FOA say planting increase is positive for the environment

14 Aug 2023 | FOA say an expansion of new forest planting in 2021, highlighted in a new report, is positive news for carbon capture ambitions…

EWC welcomes Government announcement, commits to continuing industry efforts to restore social license

03 Aug 2023 | EWC in conjunction with member forestry companies today welcome the Government’s response to the Ministerial Inquiry into Land Use following this summer’s devastating cyclones…

Government takes action on East Coast land use report

03 Aug 2023 | The Government is backing a comprehensive package of action around land use in Tairāwhiti/Gisborne and Wairoa…

Cyclone response efforts highlighted following Ministerial land use report

02 Aug 2023 | A suite of sector-led measures the forestry industry has implemented since the Ministerial Inquiry into Land Use are being highlighted…

Statement from the Eastland Wood Council

09 July 2023 | The impact of this year’s storms on the forestry sector across the East Coast has been immense, as it has been on our communities, and whanau…

Primary sector leadership not addressing economics as the real climate change issue

5 July 2023 | Leaders of the primary sector and government are ineffectively tinkering with lowering greenhouse gas emissions…

Government’s proposed forestry policies to cost the industry workforce

3 July 2023 | The New Zealand Institute of Forestry (NZIF) and the Forest Industry Contractors Association (FICA) are voicing profound apprehension regarding the government’s proposed forestry policies…

Farm Foresters getting negative ETS signals

22 June 2023 | Farm foresters are asking the government how it plans to get enough exotic trees planted to store sufficient atmospheric carbon for New Zealand to achieve its greenhouse gas targets.

Foresters need positive signals in ETS reform

20 June 2023 | The Forest Owners Association (FOA) says the just announced reform options for revising the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) will cause a shortfall of plantation forests for sequestering carbon in New Zealand and make meeting our 2050 emissions target impossible.

Statement from the Eastland Wood Council

29 May 2023 | It has been a difficult couple of years with weather events becoming more frequent and severe…

Update from Aratu Forests

12 May 2023 | Aratu Forests, one of the largest forestry companies in Tairāwhiti, has today welcomed the release of the Ministerial Inquiry into Land Use report…

EWC welcomes Ministerial Inquiry into Land Use report

12 May 2023 | The Eastland Wood Council – Te Kaunihera Pororākau o Te Tairāwhiti (EWC) has today welcomed the release of the Ministerial Inquiry into Land Use report…

Eastland Wood Council monitoring wet weather forecast

2 May 2023 | EWC is closely monitoring the weather, with rain forecast for north of Tokomaru Bay…

Eastland Wood Council provides an update on Tolaga Bay beach clean up

26 April 2023 | The Eastland Wood Council– Te Kaunihera Pororākau o Te Tairāwhiti (EWC) has today provided an update to the community on the clean-up of Tolaga Bay beach…

Forest Owners back more trees for Tairāwhiti

12 Apr 2023 | The Forest Owners Association has told the Ministerial Inquiry into land use in Tairāwhiti, that the region’s future has to include more trees for land stability…

EWC releases Ministerial Inquiry submission – calls for identification of land to be retired from forestry

11 April 2023 | The Eastland Wood Council (EWC) – Te Kaunihera Pororākau o Te Tairāwhiti representing around 80% of plantation forestry in the region has today released its submission to the Ministerial Inquiry into Land Use…

Statement from the Eastland Wood Council

16 March 2023 | Eastland Wood Council (EWC) is today providing an update on sector engagement with the panel charged with reviewing land-use practises…

Clean-up in Tairāwhiti continues, as Aratu Forests regains access to its forests

21 Feb 2023 | Aratu Forests, one of the largest forestry estates in the Gisborne District, has today provided the following information…

Ministerial Inquiry Land Use

22 March 2023 | This Inquiry will look at past and existing land-uses. It will investigate…

Statement from the Eastland Wood Council

16 March 2023 | Eastland Wood Council (EWC) is today providing an update on sector engagement with the panel charged with reviewing land-use practises…

Forestry contractors want to be included in slash solutions

14 Mar 2023 | New Zealand’s forestry contractors are asking to be included when investigating solutions for slash / woody debris…

Hill country farming campaign shows they think climate change is someone else’s problem

10 Mar 2023 | The Forest Owners Association says the latest campaign against forestry, led by Beef+Lamb New Zealand and 50 Shades of Green, is climate change responsibility denial…

Statement from Juken New Zealand

2 March 2023 | Staff and contractors are working around the clock to support the clean-up in Tairāwhiti in the wake of Cyclone Gabrielle…

Statement from the Eastland Wood Council

1 March 2023 | The Eastland Wood Council (EWC) is continuing to advocate for its members’ workforces, while staff and contractors remain focussed on the immediate response to Cyclone Gabrielle…

Helping clean up after Cyclone Gabrielle

28 Feb 2023 | Following the devastating impact of Cyclone Gabrielle, Ernslaw has donated $500,000 to the Tairāwhiti Mayoral Relief Fund to assist with the region’s recovery…

Statement from the Eastland Wood Council

28 Feb 2023 | “The Eastland Wood Council (EWC) have been actively advocating on behalf of our wider industry, which includes the contractor network…

Forestry contractors chipping in to help with Cyclone clean-up

26 Feb 2023 | New Zealand’s forestry contractors are mucking in to help clean up post Cyclone Gabrielle while unable to get back to work as normal…

Forest Owners says two months too brief to look into the complex land issues in Tairāwhiti

24 Feb 2023 | The Forest Owners Association says the two-month-long inquiry into land use in Tairāwhiti doesn’t give enough time or depth to find solutions…

Update on Waikanae & Midway Town Beaches clean-up

24 Feb 2023 | Eastland Wood Council (EWC) has today provided an update on the clean-up of Waikanae and Midway Town Beaches in Gisborne…

EWC welcomes Ministerial inquiry

23 Feb 2023 | The Eastland Wood Council (EWC) on behalf of its members, welcomes today’s announcement of a review of past and current land-use practices…

Update from one of our members: Ngati Porou Forests

22 Feb 2023 | Update on behalf of Ngati Porou Forests general manager Daniel Williams:…

Update from one of our members: Aratu Forests

21 Feb 2023 | Aratu Forests, one of the largest forestry estates in the Gisborne District, has today provided the following information…

Fears for forestry contractor livelihoods following Cyclone Gabrielle

20 Feb 2023 | New Zealand’s forestry contractors in the Tairawhiti, Hawkes Bay, Coromandel and Northland regions are facing immense pressure and compounding challenges post-cyclone Gabrielle…

Update from one of our members: Aratu Forests

18 Feb 2023 | Aratu Forests, alongside other forestry industry partners, is deploying machinery and people to Tairāwhiti/Gisborne…

Statement from the Eastland Wood Council

17 Feb 2023 | “Our thoughts, first and foremost, are with the people of Tairāwhiti who have been impacted…

Cyclone Gabrielle update – 13 Feb

13 Feb 2023 | Forestry contractors have completed as much work as possible to clear potential impact sites ahead of the arrival of Cyclone Gabrielle…

Cyclone Gabrielle update – 11 Feb

11 Feb 2023 | We are closely monitoring Cyclone Gabrielle as it tracks towards Aotearoa New Zealand and considering the impact…

Eastland Wood Council Statement

10 Feb 2023 | Melissa Nightingale, a reporter for the NZ Herald, is publishing a story…

Breakthrough in tackling East Coast’s forestry debris and soil erosion crisis

02 Feb 2023 – New Zealand Herald | The Tairāwhiti region has taken a “high step forward” in tackling…

Committed to Independent Review

2 Feb 2023 | An independent review into long-term sustainable land use options and actions for Tairāwhiti is another step closer…

Eastland Wood Council Statement

26 Jan 2023 | We are saddened to hear the tragic news about the death of a child on Waikanae Beach yesterday…

Foresters call for independent inquiry into general ‘mass failures’ in East Coast storms

26 Jan 2023 – New Zealand Herald | The Forest Owners’ Association says East Coast people have “every right to be aggrieved” about the forestry debris assault…

January 2023

Forestry for life publication from The Gisborne Herald.

Forestry sees merit in a review of Tairāwhiti resilience

20 Jan 2023 | The forestry industry is in support of an independent review of the challenges faced by the East Coast following ex-tropical Cyclone Hale…

Impact of Cyclone Hale

11 Jan 2023 | The Eastland Wood Council and its members are working closely with the Gisborne District Council and Tairāwhiti Civil Defence…

December 2022

Forestry for Life publication from The Gisborne Herald.

EWC Meeting: Hon Michael Wood, Minister of Workplace Relations & Safety

1 Dec 2022 | EWC hosted a very positive meeting with Hon Michael Wood this morning in his capacity as Minister of Workplace Relations and Safety…

EDS claims unfounded and should know better

Nov 2022 | The President of the Forest Owners Association says that once again the commercial forest industry is having to point to its science-based environmental credentials to organisations…

Pine conspiracy needs reality check

Nov 2022 | Farm Foresters are saying journalists and commentators need to educate themselves about the reality of plantation forestry.

Farming’s forestry hysteria

Oct 2022 | Beef & Lamb NZ and Federated Farmers media release on recent results of an opinion survey on forestry offset adds to the misuse of information that’s building alarm and public hysteria…

Draft Industry Transformation Plan

27 Oct 2022 | Te Ara Whakahou – Ahumahi Ngahere Draft Industry Transformation Plan…

WorkSafe under fire for failing to visit scene of Gisborne forestry fatality

25 Oct 2022 | WorkSafe is under fire for failing to attend the nation’s latest forestry fatality, with stunned worker advocates labelling the decision to instead send police disrespectful to the dead man and his whānau…

Foresters ask James Shaw if the government wants more trees or not

Oct 2022 | Foresters are saying a suggestion by Climate Change Minister James Shaw to centralise buying carbon credits in central government…

Forestry field trip

30 Sept 2022 | Eastland Wood Council was pleased to organise a forestry field trip last Friday 30th September for nominees of Gisborne District Council and guests…

Wooden cities key to cutting worldwide carbon emissions to combat climate change

Sept 2022 | The Forest Owners Association President is predicting massive increases in the worldwide demand for engineered timber construction…

June / July 2022

Forestry for Life publication from the Gisborne Herald.

Keep on trucking – Gisborne Herald feature

July 2022 | A Nati take on Wood is Good…

Federated Farmers struggling with both the law and arithmetic

Jun 2022 | The Forest Owners Association says Federated Farmers have got their sums wrong on the rate of forest planting and don’t understand the law on overseas investment either…

May 2022

Health & Safety Articles in this month's issue: Key role to play in NZ’s ‘green economy Leadership dedicated to improved health and safety outcomes Click image to view the full Forestry For Life publication.

April 2022

Eastland Port, Infrastructure Articles in this month's issue: Introducing Georgia Craig Jo, Lorissa playing key roles in port logistic company’s success Twin Berth project ‘significant milestone’ Turanga Ararau takes over leadership of Generation Programme Click image to view the full Forestry For Life publication.

EWC meeting with Her Worship The Mayor Rehette Stoltz

Forestry Industry acknowledges Her Worship The Mayor Rehette Stoltz 06 APRIL 2022 Representatives of the Eastland Wood Council met with Mayor Rehette Stoltz as part of the forestry industry’s collaboration with GDC. EWC took the opportunity to acknowledge Mayor Rehette Stoltz for her leadership and support throughout the state of local emergency, including her advocacy [...]

March 2022

Careers Articles in this month's issue: Danny reaches the Summit Setting up trainees for success Generation Programme producing great leaders Wood is Good visits Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Nga Taonga Tuturu ki Tokomaru Support and encouragement changes life's path Click image to view the full Forestry For Life publication.

Civil Defence support

Applications for Civil Defence support 28 MARCH 2022 Applications for Civil Defence Support can be sent to this email: You can only apply for this payment if you have been affected by the flooding in either the Wairoa or Gisborne Districts. When you apply you'll need to tell us your: full name date of [...]

On the right track – harvesting debris emanating from our forests

Update from EWC 28 MARCH 2022 The damage and impact this weather event has had on whānau, communities and infrastructure in our region has been terrible, and we first and foremost extend our thoughts to those impacted. In the past few years forest owners in the Tairāwhiti region have implemented a number of measures to [...]

Extreme weather impacting the way we work and live

Update from EWC 25 MARCH 2022 Like the other residents of Tairāwhiti, those that work in the forestry industry are all being kept on their toes by these extreme weather events, which are impacting the way we all work and live in the region. We acknowledge the impact, and subsequent damage, this has had on [...]

State of Emergency in Tairāwhiti

Forestry industry acknowledges declared state of emergency in Tairāwhiti 23 MARCH 2022 Eastland Wood Council - Te Kaunihera Pororākau o Te Tairāwhiti observes and supports the declared state of local emergency in the Tairāwhiti region, the result of record rainfall (more rainfall is forecasted). Our biggest priority remains the safety and wellbeing of our workforce [...]

February 2022

Members values  |  Environment initiatives Articles in this month's issue: Cause for optimism as crews return to work Permanent carbon farming Supporting the entire forestry industry Creating a benchmark for others in the sector Click image to view the full Forestry For Life publication.

The folly of the native forest carbon solution

NZ Farm Forestry Association 22 FEBRUARY 2022 The Farm Forestry Association says anthropologist Dame Anne Salmond’s recently publicised views, that planting native forests offer the best solution to the climate crisis, is misinformed and misleading. Association President Graham West says the overwhelming evidence is that instead, using managed exotic forests, as carbon sequestration off-sets,will provide [...]

Forest Owners tell government to look across the Tasman

Forest Owners Association 21 FEBRUARY 2022 The Forest Owners Association is telling the government that Australia’s support of plantation forestry is in sharp contrast to the increasingly restrictive measures being promised in New Zealand by our government. The Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, is in Tasmania today announcing an $86 (Aust) million package for forestry [...]

Timber & Forestry eNews Feb 22

New Zealand east coast forestry committed to strengthening industry resilience in region ISSUE 694  |  FEBRUARY 2022 New technology adding value to raw material, revolutionising building practices. Click image to view the full article.

Forest Owners Association

Forest Owners Association FEBRUARY 2022 The Forest Owners Association is telling Federated Farmers that it needs to educate itself about how the Overseas Investment Act works before making any more false claims about non-existent overseas investment in carbon farming. Carbon farming is where trees are not intended to be harvested and the only income is [...]

Timber & Forestry eNews Feb 22

EWC provide a collective voice for Tairawhiti’s forestry-related organisations ISSUE 693  |  FEBRUARY 2022 East Coast and Hawkes Bay supply second largest volume of sawn timber in New Zealand. Click image to view the full article.

Forestry Minister has strategic leadership opportunity in farm forestry

Farm Forestry New Zealand FEBRUARY 2022 The Farm Forestry Association says Forestry Minister, Stuart Nash, should incentivise farmers to plant more trees to combat climate change. Association President Graham West asks, “Why isn’t the government working with farmers to plant their own trees, rather than Stuart Nash seeming to have a priority of restricting landowner [...]

January 2022

Health & Wellbeing | Initiatives | People Articles in this month's issue: Prioritising worker safety Ensuring wellbeing in the workplace Mobile harbour cranes will improve health and safety Competitive couple chasing their dreams Click image to view the full Forestry For Life publication.

December 2021

Health & Safety | Road Safety | Driving Training Articles in this month's issue: Supporting a safe, sustainable and professional sector Wade Brunt | Safetree Toroawhi, Tairāwhiti Stirling Logging | Rehabilitating workers and getting them back into the forest Leading the way in forestry safety On a mission to change lives Wood is good Perfect job for Ruatoria mum Click image [...]

November 2021

Transport & cartage Articles in this month's issue: EWC board Economic update The forestry industry is a key driver of the economy in Tairawhiti Working together to get Mangatu moving again Click image to view the full Forestry For Life publication.

October 2021

Environment, Science & Sustainability Articles in this month's issue: Providing a voice for forestry sector Science and sustainability for a better future Click image to view the full Forestry For Life publication.

Vaccination an absolute priority

Getting a COVID-19 vaccine is an important step you can take to protect yourself, your whānau and kaimahi.

September 2021

Engineering, roading & earthworks Articles in this month's issue: Improving health, safety and wellbeing across the logging industry. 'Trucking is in Kevin's blood.' Click image to view the full Forestry For Life publication.

August 2021

Logistics / Technology Articles in this month's issue: More timber, less waste and safer Technology removes personnel from high-risk areas and increases efficiency Click image to view the full Forestry For Life publication.

July 2021

Wood processing Articles in this month's issue: Proud to be here First-hand look at Mangatu Forest harvest Click image to view the full Forestry For Life publication.

June 2021

Eastland Forestry Awards 2021 Articles in this month's issue: Supreme winner aiming high Awards judges applaud quality, quantity, diversity Crew of the Year aspiring to share and learn Talented woman steps up 2021 winners Going above and beyond Dave trucking on for over 25 years Congratulations to the 2021 award nominees Gallery pages Click image [...]

May 2021

Health & safety - silviculture Articles in this month's issue: Leading the charge 'No day the same' Edward proud to be part of a family-focused crew Click image to view the full Forestry For Life publication.

April 2021

Eastland Port - infrastructure & ISO Articles in this month's issue: Maximum capacity - Port plans for forestry’s future Click image to view the full Forestry For Life publication.

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