21 Sept 2023 | EWC welcomes additional support for cyclone-affected regions, announced by the Prime Minister today…
30 Aug 2023 | Iwi has joined with the forestry industry and government agencies to launch a new collective to improve forestry culture, hauora, health and safety…
03 Aug 2023 | EWC in conjunction with member forestry companies today welcome the Government’s response to the Ministerial Inquiry into Land Use following this summer’s devastating cyclones…
03 Aug 2023 | The Government is backing a comprehensive package of action around land use in Tairāwhiti/Gisborne and Wairoa…
02 Aug 2023 | A suite of sector-led measures the forestry industry has implemented since the Ministerial Inquiry into Land Use are being highlighted…
09 July 2023 | The impact of this year’s storms on the forestry sector across the East Coast has been immense, as it has been on our communities, and whanau…
29 May 2023 | It has been a difficult couple of years with weather events becoming more frequent and severe…
22 Feb 2023 | Update on behalf of Ngati Porou Forests general manager Daniel Williams:…
18 Feb 2023 | Aratu Forests, alongside other forestry industry partners, is deploying machinery and people to Tairāwhiti/Gisborne…
26 Jan 2023 | We are saddened to hear the tragic news about the death of a child on Waikanae Beach yesterday…